大学推薦が必要な民間奨学金 Scholarship Application Requiring University Recommendation

大学推薦が必要な民間奨学金 Scholarship Application Requiring University Recommendation

Please be sure to check requirement such as school grade and nationality.

●申込の手順 How to apply


Prepare required documents designated by foundations,

and submit them to the International Division at Matsue Campus or the International Exchange Office at Izumo Campus.

●選考手順 Screening process


International students submit the required documents to the International Division at Matsue Campus or the International Exchange Office at Izumo Campus.

②学内選考を実施 Shimane University do on-campus screening


Shimane university notifies international students of the on-campus screening results, and submits the application documents to Foundations.


For scholarship candidates who are required to be interviewed by Foundations, the International Division will contact them regarding the interview process.


Notification of results are sent to Shimane university.
The International Division notifies international students of the candidates.


問い合わせ先 Contact us

The International Division

EMAIL: ied-ryugaku(at)office.shimane-u.ac.jp

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