佐藤陽国際奨学財団春募集/SatoYo International Scholarship,Spring Recruitment
佐藤陽国際奨学財団春募集/SatoYo International Scholarship, Spring Recruitment
学内選考の有無/Internal selection
大学/個人から応募/Apply from university or individual
大学から応募/Apply from university
採用人数/Number of Recipients
無制限/No Limit
奨学金額/Monthly Stipend(JPY)
学部学生 18万円
大学院生 20万円
Undergraduate students JPY 180,000
Graduate students JPY 200,000
対象学生(申請時学年)/Student Category(School Year when Applying)
Undergraduate Students who are 2nd year and more regular students, or who have Notification of Acceptance from October 2024/April 2025 as transfer students,
Graduate Students who are regular students or who have Notification of Acceptance from October 2024/April 2025 as regular students
There is nationality restriction, so please check the application guideline carefully.
管理番号受付/Numbered reception:12月5日(木)17:00/December 5 17:00
応募書類提出/Required Documents Submission:12月12日(木)17:00/ December 12 17:00
- 応募方法/How to apply
Check the application requirements to confirm the nationality, other qualifications, and selection process.
※Please make sure you understand the application requirements and scholarship rules before applying.
2.管理番号受付/ Control number reception:
(申請希望の連絡をして国際課から管理番号を受け取る/ Email your application request and receive a Control number from the International Office.)
Please send an email to the International Division. The email should have your name, student number, and 'I would like to apply for the Sato Yo International Scholarship'.
(a)を@に変えて送信してください。Please replace (a) to @.
Please send an email from your university e-mail address ((student number) @matsu.shimane-u.ac.jp/@med.shimane-u.ac.jp).
If you do not follow the above rules, your scholarship application may not be accepted.
3. オンライン申請を行う/Online application
(財団の応募フォームに申請し,受付番号を受け取る/ Apply to the Foundation's application form and receive an Receipt number.)
「[4] 申請学校(留学生課)管理番号付番学校」に以下の内容を入力してください。
Please fill the information (Japanese) below in "[4] 申請学校(留学生課)管理番号付番学校".
管理番号(Control number) :メールでお知らせした番号 A number I sent you via email.
学校名(Name of University):島根大学
担当部署名(Name of Office):国際課
担当者名(Name of a person in charge):山本 麻美
当部署メールアドレス(Email address of a person in charge):ied-ryugaku(a)office.shimane-u.ac.jp
(a)を@に変えてください。Please replace (a) to @.
担当部署電話番号(Phone number of a person in charge):0852-32-7023
※After completing the online application, you will receive a "Receipt Number(受付番号)".
Please note that this number is different from the "Control number(管理番号)" issued by the university.
Please attach a file(s) to the e-mail when you submit it/them with the email.
Please do not send shared URL(s) of the cloud service such as Onedrive or QQ邮箱.
If you do not follow the above rules, your scholarship application may not be accepted.
4. 申請書類を国際課にメールで提出(締切厳守)
Please submit application documents to the International Division by e-mail (ied-ryugaku(a)office.shimane-u.ac.jp). You must strictly observe the deadline.
(a)を@に変えて送信してください。Please replace (a) to @.
5. 国際課が申請書類を確認,書類に不備がある場合は修正する。
The International Division will check the application documents and contact you if there are anything to be modified. If there are no corrections, please submit the paper-based application materials to the International Division by your hands.
募集要項、願書/Application requirements, Application
Please fill in the application form only in Japanese.
The second screening is an interview test only in Japanese.