Film Screening Event was held!

公開日 2024年06月24日

On June 5, the International Center held a "Film Screening" as part of Shimadai Study Abroad Week.
The purpose of this event was to show students different realities around the world through the film "Pencil and Gun: Hiromi Nagakura's Eyes",
narrated by a photographer who had taken pictures in various countries during his career.

Students, faculty, and staff members who participated in the event watched the film with great interest.
After the screening, Mr. Abdul Zahir MATIN, a student from Afghanistan, gave a presentation about food, school, and life in his native country.
In the film, we saw many photos of the mountainous areas of Afghanistan, while in Mr. Matin's slides, there were many photos of daily life in urban areas.
This gave us the opportunity to learn about both sides of the country.

The International Center will continue to hold events to promote students' interest in the world.