「Online Cultural Exchange with The University of São Paulo」was held on June 12th.

公開日 2024年06月18日

On June 12, the International Center at Shimane University held a “Cultural Exchange” with the University of São Paulo. This initiative with our partner university is not the first of its kind. Since 2020, we have conducted several exchange events, including two 'Brazil Online Cafe' sessions.


This year, 17 students from Shimane University participated online, while 20 first-year students from the University of São Paulo gathered in their lecture room to join the event.


During the exchange, students answered a quiz prepared by International Center about grammar, culture, food, and language. Questions included: “What does "meu nome é" mean in Portuguese?” "How do you respond to '‘いってきます' in Japanese?" , "During which season is the Obon Festival held?", etc.


In the “open-ended questions” section, various topics were discussed. A student from the University of São Paulo asked what the typical food in Shimane was. One student recommended Izumo Soba and explained about it. A student from Shimane University asked if everyone in Brazil likes soccer and some were surprised to hear that it is not true, even other sports like volleyball are also very popular. They also discussed the capybaras at the University of Sao Paulo, dances and typical martial arts in Brazil (capoeira).


Both universities conducted self-introductions in Japanese and shared their hobbies and favorite places at their universities.


The International Center will continue to hold events to build bridges between cultures, languages, and people.