Ski training program for international students

公開日 2024年02月15日

On Tuesday, February 6th, 2024,  a ski trip for international students was held at Goenzan, Daisen Ski Resort in Tottori Prefecture. Despite the mild winter, we were able to hold the trip thanks to the arrival of the coldest weather at the end of last month. A total of 25 people participated, including 23 international students and 2 Japanese student supporters. The participants were divided into four groups based on their skiing level. Each group enjoyed skiing. Thanks to the instructor's precise guidance, students who initially struggled with the skis were able to ski smoothly on the slopes of Goenzan by the time they completed their training, they had improved significantly. Among the participants, there were several students from countries where it doesn't snow. They enjoyed the feel of the snow and smiled at the snowy scenery. The biggest benefit on this trip was the many smiles and interactions that took place throughout the training. We would like to thank people concerned for their cooperation in organizing this event.