Kagura – Know the Real Japan: Seminar for International Students

公開日 2021年12月28日

On December 8th, the International Center held a seminar called, “Kagura – Know the Real Japan.” This was the third part of the “Let’s Build a Bridge between Shimane’s Rural Community in Ohnan and the World!” project implemented between Shimane University international students and residents of Ohnan Town. The leader and a member of Miho Kagura Troupe were invited as guest speakers and gave a seminar about kagura. Twelve international students and two Japanese students participated.


The seminar started with a basic explanation of what kagura is. Many international students are not familiar with kagura itself. After a detailed explanation of what the kanji characters for kagura mean, students understood the concept more clearly. Students were able to hear from people who actually participate in this traditional art. The troupe representatives spoke about why they both decided to start performing kagura, and fun and difficult things about performing.

Next, a video was shown which introduced kagura and Miho Kagura Troupe. The international students were able to experience the sounds and atmosphere of kagura from the video and get to know its charms.


During the question and answer time, participants asked various questions, including, “Is kagura your full-time job?”, “How long before you can perform on stage after joining a kagura troupe?”, and “Is there any special food performers eat to prepare before the show?” This is a testament to how the students became interested in kagura and actively participated in the seminar.


The university will use seminars like this to the best of its ability to promote the international students’ and the local region’s further globalization now and in the future.


The link to the video shown during the seminar can be found at the International Center’s official YouTube channel. Please watch it!

Video link: https://youtu.be/mb2SOiBdd_I 

*The video above was subsidized by the Nakajima Foundation and supported by JASSO.