Japanese toys and other items are available in the Global Commons

公開日 2024年08月23日

The following Japanese toys and other items are available in the Global Commons, Room 180 on the 1st floor of the Faculty of Education Building.
Please feel free to make use of them to Interaction with other international and Japanese students.
Kendama (10 pieces)
Japanese proverb playing cards
Playing cards

ケン玉 将棋
オセロ,カルタ UNO,トランプ





Room 180 on the first floor of the Faculty of Education building will be opened to

the public as “Global Commons.”

“Global Commons” is a learning facility that can be used by any student at our university. This is an exchange space for international students and Japanese students.


Available hours: Weekdays 9:00-17:00


*It may not be available due to events, etc.

*As a general rule, eating and drinking are not allowed inside the room, but drinks in containers with lids may be brought in.

*Please take your trash home with you.


Entrance Communication space
Entrance Communication space
Bookshelf Counter seat
Bookshelf Counter seat
Communication space  
Communication space