Emergency Call Seminar for International Students was held by Matsue Police.

公開日 2018年07月30日

 On 19th July at Matsue Campus, 9 International students attended the Emergency Call #110 Seminar organized by police officers.  At the Seminar, police officers explained the emergency calling system and important points at the time of calling, then International students had a calling training on the assumption that they actually got involved in a crime. They learned that in the case of emergency call, it was important to do it quickly, and to accurately report the situation that they were in.

 Students also learned that the most important was to escape first in order to ensure safety when they felt danger. As one of the way to escape from emergency, students learned “Goshin-Jutsu”, the art of self-defense.  They eagerly trained themselves how to escape in case they were grabbed their arms. 

 International students usually have little chance to be instructed by Japanese police officers.  This seminar was a precious opportunity for them.


