Shimane University Summer School 2016

公開日 2016年07月18日

We held Summer School 2016 from July 4th to July 15th.
Our Summer School program aimed to enhance communication abilities as well as provide a greater global understanding for participating students from our partner universities. This year, eleven students joined our Summer School (seven American, one Bangladeshi and three Chinese).

They attended a variety of lectures focused on understanding of Shimane's culture and history, Japanese Life and introductory Japanese language. They also tried a lot of activities aiming to understand and get attached to Shimane and Japan, such as speeches about life in Shimane by foreigners living in Shimane, interactions with high school students, a field work in old towns in Matsue with a guide of NPO staff, Japanese tea ceremony by Shimane University students, etc. In Ohnan town (a farm in the mountaion area), they had a homestay and enjoyed Kagura (a sacred dance and music performed at shrines).
Their daily life and free time were supported by Japanese conversation partners of Shimane University.

All of them enjoyed activities and interactions in Summer School 2016 and talked they loved Shimane! 

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Matsue Castle                                      Izumo Grand Shrine
                                                          with Izumo high school students
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Field work in old towns,                      Interaction game with Shimane-U. students
looking at a old map     
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Tanabata festival in Japanese class        Japanese tea ceremony 
                                                          by Shimane-U. students



